
Kallelse årsstämma Elementica Data Center Construction AB (publ) 2022

Aktieägarna i Elementica Data Center Construction AB (publ) (“Elementica”, org.nummer 556715-9495) kallas härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 10 maj 2022 klockan 15.00 på moderbolaget Bahnhofs kontor med adress Sveavägen 41, Stockholm. Rätt att delta i årsstämman har sådan aktieägare som antecknats som aktieägare i aktieboken avseende förhållandena den 6 maj 2022. Aktieägare som företräds av

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Kallelse årsstämma Elementica Data Center Construction AB (publ) 2020

Aktieägarna i Elementica Data Center Construction AB (publ) (“Elementica”) kallas härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 12 maj 2020 klockan 15.00 på moderbolaget Bahnhofs kontor med adress Tunnelgatan 2, Stockholm. Den förhöjda risknivån för spridning av coronaviruset Covid-19 har medfört att myndigheter i Sverige infört mötes- och reserestriktioner och det kommer därför ges möjlighet att delta

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Elementica’s infrastructure visualized as physical 3D-projections

In collaboration with the Digital Art Center at Stockholms University we’ve produced a unique new solution to visualizing infrastructure using high-precision projectors in tandem with real physical 3D-models. The result is a stunning environment (about 2 x 2 meters) where we can change colors, patterns and images on surfaces in three dimensions. As these projections

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Partner Fortum Inaugurates Near-By Central City Heating Plant

Laying Down The Pipes Our partner Fortum opened its new world-class central city heating plant in the northeast of central Stockholm (in Värtahamnen) earlier today and invited VIP:s to tour the facilities. Dignities including Swedish energy minister Ibrahim Baylan and world-renowned nature photographer Mattias Klum took turns on stage praising the joint initiative in Stockholm

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Gustav Bergquist presents the Elementica concept

In one of the side theatres adjacent to the giant Data Center World conference at Excel in London CTO Gustav Bergquist presented the unique concept that is Elementica. After the overview a number of curious and interested parties took turns to express admiration and to ask questions on the innovative and integrated system Elementica plans to

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Elementica visits the Data Centre World conference in London

Elementica’s and Bahnhof’s CTO Gustav Bergquist walks and talks the aisles of data center equipment exhibitors at the Data Centre World conference in London, April 12-13. Few care about marketing the environmental aspects of their data center installations. This becomes obvious to anyone visiting a current data center exhibition. The logical conclusion is that few

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